Clarke home appraisers near me

Home Appraisals for Clarke, VA


Clarke Home Appraisers

Our Virginia Appraisers have grown up, live, and raise families, and are involved in the communities that we serve. As such, we have extensive knowledge of our appraisal coverage areas including the subtle nuances that can make a big difference in value. We are a Clarke appraisal company with expert knowledge of the White Post and Berryville areas.

With more than 70 years of collective experience and a portfolio of over 40,000 home appraisals in Clarke and surrounding communities, the Premier Home Appraisals team of Virgin Home Appraisers are more than qualified to deliver quality home appraisals that suits your needs.

Clarke, known for its proximity to the Blue Ridge mountains and the Shenandoah River, features gently rolling hills and open farmland. It was established in 1736 by Thomas Fairfax as part of his 5-MILLION-acre property known for its wheat crops. The Bank of Clarke County was established in 1881 and is still a functional regional bank. Smithfield Farm, revitalized in 1996, is one of the oldest fully grass-finished farms in the US and hosts a bed and breakfast.

  • An interesting and quirky tourist attraction, Dinosaur Land, has been around for more than 50 years. Visitors step into the world of the prehistoric past, turning back the pages of time to the Mesozoic era when dinosaurs were the only creatures that roamed the earth.

  • PREMIER PRO TIP – Acreage and historic estates built in the 1800s are the driving factors for properties in Clarke County. Property sales of 50 or more acres are not uncommon. Equestrian features are also important considerations for potential buyers.

If you have questions or would like to order an appraisal of property or appraisal of a home, we're here for you.

PREMIER PRO TIPS: You can access some of our best home appraisal tips and frequently asked questions on our resources page.

We look forward to working with you!

Matt and Troy