Manassas Park home appraisers near me

Home Appraisals for Manassas Park, VA


Manassas Park Home Appraisers

We are a Manassas Park appraisal company, our Home Appraisers have grown up, live, and raise families, and are involved in the communities that we serve. As such, we have extensive knowledge of our coverage areas including the subtle nuances that can make a big difference in value.

With more than 70 years of collective experience and a portfolio of over 40,000 home appraisals in Manassas Park and surrounding communities, the Premier Home Appraisals team is more than qualified to deliver a comprehensive home appraisal report that suits your needs.

Manassas Park, the newest city in Virginia, was incorporated in 1975. At 3 square miles, it is also one of the smallest. Essentially made up of four different subdivisions, cape cods, and ramblers built in the 1950s make up the largest portion. Blooms Crossing subdivision with detached colonials was built in the late 1990s and early 2,000s. More recently, Manassas Park Station was in the middle 2,000’s, and Dominion Crossing in the middle 2010s. Which are townhouses with some condominium ownership.

If you have questions or would like to order an appraisal of property or appraisal of a home, we're here for you.

PREMIER PRO TIPS: You can access some of our best home appraisal tips and frequently asked questions on our resources page.

We look forward to working with you!

Matt and Troy